Power Clean
Here at RUSH 101 we are great believers in Power Cleans and Power Clean Combos. This week we will only talk about how to Power Clean. This is a very explosive lift and the proper technique is a must.
The lifter begins the clean by squatting down to grasp the bar. Hands are positioned approximately a thumb's distance from hips using what is known as a hook grip. The hook grip requires grasping the bar so that the fingers go over the thumb. This makes it much easier for the lifter to maintain his grip on the bar. The lifter's arms are relaxed and just outside the legs with the bar up against the shins. The hips are as low as necessary to grasp the bar, with the feet placed approximately at hip width. Weight is kept on the heels. Toes may be pointed straight ahead or angled out according to the lifters preference. The chest is up and the back is neutral to slightly hyper extended. This is the starting position of the "pull" phase of the lift.
Pull Phase or Shrug Phase
After getting mentally ready, the lifter jumps with the bar up through triple extension of the hips, knees and then ankles. When the legs have driven the bar as high as possible, the lifter pulls under the bar by violently shrugging the shoulder to get under the bar to move to the catch phase
Catch Phase
Now the lifter will drop into a deep squat position and roatating the hands around the bar so the elbows are parrellel with the ground. At this point the lifter should be in a full squat position, with his buttocks on or very close to the heels, sitting erect with the bar resting comfortably across their chest and only griping with one or two fingers.
After the Catch Phase the lifter will stand up to complete the lift.
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Quick Lunch
Good morning to all our subscribers. Nutrition is a very important part of our life. After eating breakfast you will feel great. Most people are too busy at work and they miss lunch. Our main excuse is that time passed us by or we don’t want to eat fast food with tons of calories. I have provided you with a quick breakfast shake last week and now here is a quick lunch that takes less that 10 minutes to make. This meal you can keep in a lunch pale or a small cooler on ice. You can have different types of meats to give a variety on a daily basis to the meal. While the breakfast energy is wearing off it is just enough time to replenish it with a healthy lunch. Here is a quick lunch for those who really don’t have time to eat a large unhealthy meal.
2oz Tuna in Water (can)
0.5 cup fresh green onions (chopped)
1 small avocado (chopped)
0.5 cup cilantro fresh (chopped)
5 slices tomato (chopped)
0.5 cup walnuts
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp lime juice
The quick lunch will come to a total of 713 calories for healthy lunch.
To add chicken breast will boost it 748 calories
To add steak you will boost it 755 calories
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Quick Lunch
Good morning to all our subscribers. Nutrition is a very important part of our life. After eating breakfast you will feel great. Most people are too busy at work and they miss lunch. Our main excuse is that time passed us by or we don’t want to eat fast food with tons of calories. I have provided you with a quick breakfast shake last week and now here is a quick lunch that takes less that 10 minutes to make. This meal you can keep in a lunch pale or a small cooler on ice. You can have different types of meats to give a variety on a daily basis to the meal. While the breakfast energy is wearing off it is just enough time to replenish it with a healthy lunch. Here is a quick lunch for those who really don’t have time to eat a large unhealthy meal.
2oz Tuna in Water (can)
0.5 cup fresh green onions (chopped)
1 small avocado (chopped)
0.5 cup cilantro fresh (chopped)
5 slices tomato (chopped)
0.5 cup walnuts
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp lime juice
The quick lunch will come to a total of 713 calories for healthy lunch.
To add chicken breast will boost it 748 calories
To add steak you will boost it 755 calories
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Strength Training
Hanging Snatch
Here at RUSH 101 we are great believers in Olympic Lifts. This week we will talk about Hanging Snatches. This is a very explosive lift and the proper technique is a must.
The starting position of the hang snatch is essential. You will use a grip a little wider than the Power Clean. Your knuckles will face the floor to give a smooth rotation as you lift the bar. The lifter will bend their knees and at the waist, with the bar close to their shins. Your feet should be a little smaller than the width of your shoulders. The whole time you are sticking your chest out.
Hanging Phase
Raise the bar to your thighs to simulate the hanging position.
Pull Phase
Shrug and pull up will begin the motion of the bar in an upward movement. While using your explosive power, the bar will stay as close to your body as possible. All of this will be done in one explosive movement. You will pull the bar up, leading with your elbows instead of with your hands.
Final Phase
Drop under and catch the bar. Once you get to the top of the snatch you will need to drop down into a full squat position to catch the bar, while the bar is still in an upward movement. The arms will be in a fully locked position. Once you get the bar to the top above your head with elbows locked, you will stand up into a fully standing position.
Hanging Snatch
Here at RUSH 101 we are great believers in Olympic Lifts. This week we will talk about Hanging Snatches. This is a very explosive lift and the proper technique is a must.
The starting position of the hang snatch is essential. You will use a grip a little wider than the Power Clean. Your knuckles will face the floor to give a smooth rotation as you lift the bar. The lifter will bend their knees and at the waist, with the bar close to their shins. Your feet should be a little smaller than the width of your shoulders. The whole time you are sticking your chest out.
Hanging Phase
Raise the bar to your thighs to simulate the hanging position.
Pull Phase
Shrug and pull up will begin the motion of the bar in an upward movement. While using your explosive power, the bar will stay as close to your body as possible. All of this will be done in one explosive movement. You will pull the bar up, leading with your elbows instead of with your hands.
Final Phase
Drop under and catch the bar. Once you get to the top of the snatch you will need to drop down into a full squat position to catch the bar, while the bar is still in an upward movement. The arms will be in a fully locked position. Once you get the bar to the top above your head with elbows locked, you will stand up into a fully standing position.
The video is courtesy of College William and Mary and is for demonstration purpose only.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Speed Training
Double Leg Bound for 20 yards
This is RUSH 101 favorite speed training exercises. The Double Leg Bounds are jumps from a sitting position where you jump forward and swinging arms to reach as far as front of you as possible in a continuous movement. While in the air the body has to be straightened from the fingers to the toes (triple extension). Double Leg Bounds should go as far as possible on every bound.Start your Double Leg Bounds from a sitting position with your hands behind your hips
Swing your arms forward up and jump forward as far as you can at the same time reaching as far as you can in front of you.
You will explode as far as you can to perform a Triple Extension. (Straighten of the hips, knees and ankles). You will land on the balls of you feet and as soft as possible. When you land it will get you back to the starting position of the first bound. While performing Double Leg Bounds you bound continuous until reaching 20 yards.
KEY TIPS1. To squat as low as possible
2. Aggressive arm action
3. Land as soft as possible on the balls of your feet
4. Explode on every bound
5. Finish strong

Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Double Leg Bound for 20 yards
This is RUSH 101 favorite speed training exercises. The Double Leg Bounds are jumps from a sitting position where you jump forward and swinging arms to reach as far as front of you as possible in a continuous movement. While in the air the body has to be straightened from the fingers to the toes (triple extension). Double Leg Bounds should go as far as possible on every bound.Start your Double Leg Bounds from a sitting position with your hands behind your hips
Swing your arms forward up and jump forward as far as you can at the same time reaching as far as you can in front of you.
You will explode as far as you can to perform a Triple Extension. (Straighten of the hips, knees and ankles). You will land on the balls of you feet and as soft as possible. When you land it will get you back to the starting position of the first bound. While performing Double Leg Bounds you bound continuous until reaching 20 yards.
KEY TIPS1. To squat as low as possible
2. Aggressive arm action
3. Land as soft as possible on the balls of your feet
4. Explode on every bound
5. Finish strong
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Here is what you have been waiting for. You have been eating very well for the previous meals and you are ready to eat dinner. You have had a long day of work and want to eat something taste. Here is a meal that is good and taste great with few calories.
6 oz Roasted Chicken Breast with Skin
1 large Baked Potato with Skin
1 cup Fresh Spinach Salad
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
The total calorie count for this meal is 680
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Here is what you have been waiting for. You have been eating very well for the previous meals and you are ready to eat dinner. You have had a long day of work and want to eat something taste. Here is a meal that is good and taste great with few calories.
6 oz Roasted Chicken Breast with Skin
1 large Baked Potato with Skin
1 cup Fresh Spinach Salad
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
The total calorie count for this meal is 680
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Monday, September 13, 2010
Strength Training
Straight Leg Deadlift
Most people neglect their lower back and wonder why they have back problems. For athletes the lower back, gluts and hamstrings are one of the most important muscle groups to strengthen. You rarely see an athlete that is fast with little hamstrings and small gluts. Here is one of many exercises to strengthen and stretch the lower back, gluts and hamstrings.
Starting Position
Stand with a shoulder width or narrower stance on the end of a bench or plyo box. Grasp bar or dumb bells with a shoulder width overhand grip. Lift weight to standing position to begin the lift.

Beginning of Lift
With knees straight, lower barbell or dumb bells toward the top of your feet. If you are more flexible you can go past your feet with the barbell or dumb bell. Throughout lift keep arms and knees straight. Keep bar over top of your feet or pass your feet. Do not pause or bounce at bottom of the lift.

Completion of Lift
Lift bar by extending waist and hip until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly and push your chest forward. When finished with set, dismount by lowering weight with knees bent and low back straight. People with less flexibility will not need a plyo box or bench to stand on.

Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Straight Leg Deadlift
Most people neglect their lower back and wonder why they have back problems. For athletes the lower back, gluts and hamstrings are one of the most important muscle groups to strengthen. You rarely see an athlete that is fast with little hamstrings and small gluts. Here is one of many exercises to strengthen and stretch the lower back, gluts and hamstrings.
Starting Position
Stand with a shoulder width or narrower stance on the end of a bench or plyo box. Grasp bar or dumb bells with a shoulder width overhand grip. Lift weight to standing position to begin the lift.
Beginning of Lift
With knees straight, lower barbell or dumb bells toward the top of your feet. If you are more flexible you can go past your feet with the barbell or dumb bell. Throughout lift keep arms and knees straight. Keep bar over top of your feet or pass your feet. Do not pause or bounce at bottom of the lift.
Completion of Lift
Lift bar by extending waist and hip until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly and push your chest forward. When finished with set, dismount by lowering weight with knees bent and low back straight. People with less flexibility will not need a plyo box or bench to stand on.
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Here is a breakfast that if you have a little time to cook and eat. This is one of my favorites and will help the muscle and give a lot of protein intake. You always have to fuel the muscles in the morning. It is my great Egg Omelet.
8 egg whites
3 tablespoons salsa
1 oz of nonfat mozzarella cheese shredded
For a total of 274 calories Protein 39 grams, Carbs 11 grams and Fat 4 grams
***** You can substitute the Cheese if you are lactose intolerance.
If you want to make fresh salsa that reduces the sodium like in the jar. Here you go.
8 large tomatoes
1 bunch of cilantro
1 red onion
½ tsp olive oil
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp black pepper
Chop your tomatoes, cilantros and onions to small portions. After your finish cutting, combine the olive oil, Worcestershire sauce and black pepper in a bowl. Stir softly all of the ingredients together and chill in the fridge. It will last about 3 to 4 day because it freshly made with no preservatives.
***** You can substitute the tomatoes with mangoes, pineapples and many different fruits to give a variety to your salsa.
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Here is a breakfast that if you have a little time to cook and eat. This is one of my favorites and will help the muscle and give a lot of protein intake. You always have to fuel the muscles in the morning. It is my great Egg Omelet.
8 egg whites
3 tablespoons salsa
1 oz of nonfat mozzarella cheese shredded
For a total of 274 calories Protein 39 grams, Carbs 11 grams and Fat 4 grams
***** You can substitute the Cheese if you are lactose intolerance.
If you want to make fresh salsa that reduces the sodium like in the jar. Here you go.
8 large tomatoes
1 bunch of cilantro
1 red onion
½ tsp olive oil
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp black pepper
Chop your tomatoes, cilantros and onions to small portions. After your finish cutting, combine the olive oil, Worcestershire sauce and black pepper in a bowl. Stir softly all of the ingredients together and chill in the fridge. It will last about 3 to 4 day because it freshly made with no preservatives.
***** You can substitute the tomatoes with mangoes, pineapples and many different fruits to give a variety to your salsa.
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Monday, September 6, 2010
Speed Training
This one of our favorite warm up drills at Rush 101 Human Performance. We call them Big Skips
In a forward lean drive the left foot into the ground while driving the right knee to the sky. At the same time drive the left arm as high as possible and explosive, while keeping the arm at a ninety degree angle from the elbows. You are trying to get as high as possible and gain as much distance as possible with every skip. Your will repeat this for 20 to 30 yards. This drill is great for young athletes.
1. Drive the knee to the sky
2. Drive the opposite arm to the sky
3. Explode with every step
4. Finish Strong
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
This one of our favorite warm up drills at Rush 101 Human Performance. We call them Big Skips
In a forward lean drive the left foot into the ground while driving the right knee to the sky. At the same time drive the left arm as high as possible and explosive, while keeping the arm at a ninety degree angle from the elbows. You are trying to get as high as possible and gain as much distance as possible with every skip. Your will repeat this for 20 to 30 yards. This drill is great for young athletes.
1. Drive the knee to the sky
2. Drive the opposite arm to the sky
3. Explode with every step
4. Finish Strong
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Pro Shuttle or 20 yard Shuttle
Since this NFL combine is complete and the rest of the athletes are gearing up for their pro day we will touch on the Pro Shuttle. This is a drill that will show how well you change direction. You can improve this by many repetitions and proper technique.
You will have three cones 10 yards apart with one in the middle. All cones will be in a straight line and 5 yards apart. Once the cones are set you will place yourself at the middle cone.
You will straddle the middle cone with your hand on the cone. Just two finger tips touching the top of the cone.
While straddling the cone you will be in three point stance.
You will have a slight bend at the knees in an athletic position.
Next you will bend the opposite arm 90 degree angle preparing to start.
You will lead with the elbow that was bent at 90 degrees to that side.
While leading with the elbow you will lead with that foot as well.
You will take four cross steps to the cone to that side and touch the line. That will complete the first 5 yards
Next you will transition back in the direction where you started, but run to the far cone.
When in transition you will keep your head down driving with every step. It will take 7 steps to get to the far cone. (10 yards)
Before getting to the cone you will gear down on your fifth step to begin to changing direction on 6th and 7th step.
Before changing direction you must touch the line with you hand and the transition finish the drill.
Transitioning from the far cone you will run through the middle cone to complete the drill.
That will complete that last 5 yards of the drill.
Below is an example.

Cross step to the first cone
Transition ,stay low and keep head down
Steps are 4 ,7 and finish
Finish Strong
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Pro Shuttle or 20 yard Shuttle
Since this NFL combine is complete and the rest of the athletes are gearing up for their pro day we will touch on the Pro Shuttle. This is a drill that will show how well you change direction. You can improve this by many repetitions and proper technique.
You will have three cones 10 yards apart with one in the middle. All cones will be in a straight line and 5 yards apart. Once the cones are set you will place yourself at the middle cone.
You will straddle the middle cone with your hand on the cone. Just two finger tips touching the top of the cone.
While straddling the cone you will be in three point stance.
You will have a slight bend at the knees in an athletic position.
Next you will bend the opposite arm 90 degree angle preparing to start.
You will lead with the elbow that was bent at 90 degrees to that side.
While leading with the elbow you will lead with that foot as well.
You will take four cross steps to the cone to that side and touch the line. That will complete the first 5 yards
Next you will transition back in the direction where you started, but run to the far cone.
When in transition you will keep your head down driving with every step. It will take 7 steps to get to the far cone. (10 yards)
Before getting to the cone you will gear down on your fifth step to begin to changing direction on 6th and 7th step.
Before changing direction you must touch the line with you hand and the transition finish the drill.
Transitioning from the far cone you will run through the middle cone to complete the drill.
That will complete that last 5 yards of the drill.
Below is an example.
Cross step to the first cone
Transition ,stay low and keep head down
Steps are 4 ,7 and finish
Finish Strong
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance
Speed Training
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