Straight Leg Deadlift
Most people neglect their lower back and wonder why they have back problems. For athletes the lower back, gluts and hamstrings are one of the most important muscle groups to strengthen. You rarely see an athlete that is fast with little hamstrings and small gluts. Here is one of many exercises to strengthen and stretch the lower back, gluts and hamstrings.
Starting Position
Stand with a shoulder width or narrower stance on the end of a bench or plyo box. Grasp bar or dumb bells with a shoulder width overhand grip. Lift weight to standing position to begin the lift.
Beginning of Lift
With knees straight, lower barbell or dumb bells toward the top of your feet. If you are more flexible you can go past your feet with the barbell or dumb bell. Throughout lift keep arms and knees straight. Keep bar over top of your feet or pass your feet. Do not pause or bounce at bottom of the lift.
Completion of Lift
Lift bar by extending waist and hip until standing upright. Pull shoulders back slightly and push your chest forward. When finished with set, dismount by lowering weight with knees bent and low back straight. People with less flexibility will not need a plyo box or bench to stand on.
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance