Power Clean
Here at RUSH 101 we are great believers in Power Cleans and Power Clean Combos. This week we will only talk about how to Power Clean. This is a very explosive lift and the proper technique is a must.
The lifter begins the clean by squatting down to grasp the bar. Hands are positioned approximately a thumb's distance from hips using what is known as a hook grip. The hook grip requires grasping the bar so that the fingers go over the thumb. This makes it much easier for the lifter to maintain his grip on the bar. The lifter's arms are relaxed and just outside the legs with the bar up against the shins. The hips are as low as necessary to grasp the bar, with the feet placed approximately at hip width. Weight is kept on the heels. Toes may be pointed straight ahead or angled out according to the lifters preference. The chest is up and the back is neutral to slightly hyper extended. This is the starting position of the "pull" phase of the lift.
Pull Phase or Shrug Phase
After getting mentally ready, the lifter jumps with the bar up through triple extension of the hips, knees and then ankles. When the legs have driven the bar as high as possible, the lifter pulls under the bar by violently shrugging the shoulder to get under the bar to move to the catch phase
Catch Phase
Now the lifter will drop into a deep squat position and roatating the hands around the bar so the elbows are parrellel with the ground. At this point the lifter should be in a full squat position, with his buttocks on or very close to the heels, sitting erect with the bar resting comfortably across their chest and only griping with one or two fingers.
After the Catch Phase the lifter will stand up to complete the lift.
Clarence Chaney
RUSH 101
Director of Athlete Performance